Bitcoin the best powerful transaction option against gold

Bitcoin the best powerful transaction option against gold

Bitcoin the best powerful transaction option against gold

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Ten potential Black Swans in the year 2017, market

Virtual currencies in China against the Yuan, the refuge of the incident with the wave crashed again after the game is just the price of an ounce of gold.

Bitcoins start the new year and spectacular case of Pantera. The first year of the high dollar eclipsed, for the first time in three years. Soon after his Ascension to exceptional door game assets, the price of gold.

Huobi and OKCoin trading platform China, 200, 1, 1, 197 met Bitcoin million dollars last week. Moments of virtual currency and price of 1 166 dollars an ounce, or more.

Bitcoin is a continuation of the rally from 2017 to 2016 completely beyond physical recovery, it all started. Last year it increased by 125%.

The most negative balance of renminbi. Emptied of its influence to convert currencies in China by about 7% in 2016, the stronger than the Chinese currency since 1994, has contributed to the controversy "haven". Investors in China seemed set drop irrigation is the most active searching for pieces of the right side of the coin.

Therefore, the tomb of Yuan and a pessimistic view in the year 2017, even suggests investment that has turned many companies into the Chinese market, cuts the monopoly of currency. 90% upwards is the virtual currency of the Asian giant.

This hegemony has its drawbacks. Just a warning that the Central Bank of China last week, the collapse of the currency was released at the end of this. In his statement he experienced the last day for abnormal fluctuations (40% jump in two weeks) and urged citizens to register a wise investment the biggest wave.

Analysts add that the most popular Central Bank might introduce some restrictions on investment of virtual currency in China as an alternative to the first step of the Yuan.

The reaction of investors expect and had reduced by 30%, so your budget under fell not only about the collapse of a major Oz coin threshold $1000. Reducing its low or even 900 dollars.

Coins in the year 2017, with a potential Black Swans

Provisions of the investment firm towards the new year, as one of ten Black Swan 2017 Bitcoin can gather.

Try unusual and surprising Saxo-Bank analyst, who pointed out that his arrival in inflation take White House anticipate events and the expansion of Donald Trump will multiply the Federal Reserve raised interest rates.

If the dollar's rise to the emergence of countries and economies to examine how China's currency against the dollar-dominated monetary system, a search for possible alternative. The result, they added the piece can trigger a price of $2100.