Market size and liquidity

Market size and liquidity

The Forex market is the most liquid financial market in the world. Suppliers and the big banks, institutional investors, the Central Bank, to speculate on currencies, economics, politics, financial institutions and retail investors. The average daily volume Forex and related markets grow Global. 2010 triennial Central Bank survey from the Bank of international settlements of average daily turnover in April 2010 (against $. 001 $ 1,700.998) $ 3.98 billion. [Time, swaps and other derivatives, contracts were exchanged 4] 3.98 billion dollars, 1.5 billion transactions and $ 9223372 trillion in bar.

In April 2010 the trade in the United Kingdom, for a total of 36.7%, therefore is the most important center of foreign currency for the time being. United we were 17.9%, Japan 6.2% of sales. [60]

In April 2013, the first Singapore exceeds the daily volume average daily $ 383 billion in commercial transactions of Japan. Then, became the area. United Kingdom (41%), Japan (5.6%), United States of America (19%) and Singapore (5.7) and Hong Kong (4.1%)

The stock market traded currency options and futures contracts on developing fast in recent years reached $ 166 million in April 2010 (two sales recorded in April 2007). Foreign exchange market trading derivatives on behalf of OTC foreign exchange trading volume of 4%. Introduced in 1972 trade futures contracts on currencies at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and active, more future recruitment.

Most developed countries in sound Exchange allows the sale of products (such as futures and options on futures contracts). These developed countries have fully convertible capital accounts. To act, because they have no control over the capital of a new Government is not in the products of their currency. Derivatives, which in many developing countries. [62] in Korea, India and South Africa and another group of countries, although some of the exchange rate and capital controls of derivatives.

To 20% from April 2007 through April 2010, the foreign exchange trading has since 2004 has increased by three times. [63] the increase in sales is explained by several factors: the increasing importance of change as an asset, operators of high frequency category increased exchange and small investors are an important part of the market. Growth of electronic execution and choice of the place of performance, you can reduce market liquidity by increasing transaction costs to attract greater participation by different types of customers. In particular electronic commerce through retailers easy foreign exchange markets online portals. In 2010, 10% should reach the daily volume of trading or US $ 150 billion (see below: amendments to the retailer).

On the currency market, the broker/dealer, is to negotiate, then there are no changes or clearing house. Geography is the largest center of trade of the United Kingdom, especially London, and London trade turnover is estimated with 34.6 percent of the shares in April 2007 from 36.7% in April 2010. London takes a dominant position in the market, because the currency quotes in particular are generally market price for London. For example, when you calculate the overtime rights of the International Monetary Fund drawing value every day, and refer to the London market at noon.