Trading specifications

Trading specifications

There is a single market or Center for most companies, there are very few cross-border regulations. Natural more over-the-counter (OTC) and exchange a large number of network marketing where are money market instruments. This means that there is no single Exchange rate, but rather it has a different interest rate (price) numbers, the dealer deals the Bank or who and where you are. In practice, the price is pretty close to the arbitration. Sure, the price of a currency's price is usually in London is one of London's leading position in the market of markets.

Business-broking services (EBS) and Thomson Reuters dealing and trading system provided by the major banks. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Reuters reported that a joint venture enterprise in the year 2007 opened called Fxmarketspace, desire in vain on the compensation mechanism of the central role of the market. 

Shopping malls are in London and New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore, as well as all the major cities. Banks around the world. Currency transactions that took place during the day; how she started Asian trading Conference in Europe, followed by North America, and then returned to the Asian session, not including weekends.

In return, due to price and expected cash flow, usually caused by actual flows of gross domestic product (GDP), inflation (purchasing power parity), interest rates (interest rate parity, which the Fisher effect, international Fisher effect), an increase of deficits and surpluses, large multinational or ABIS and offer of trade and other macroeconomic conditions. Important message has been publicly, often on scheduled dates, so many people access the same message at the same time. The banks, however, have an important advantage; you can see the customer ordering process.

Currency against each other in pairs. Each pair of currencies, which traditionally observed in a single product and NEILMAC88 or written by the international business XXX/YYY,XXX and YYY code ISO 4217 3-letter currency involved. First, the monetary base currency (XXX), the second part of this listing (YYY), the counter (or currencies). For example (EUR) EUR/US $ 1.5465 offer is based on the price of the dollar, the euro dollar, or 1 euro = 1,5465 United States the terms of reference. Convention is the market most of the exchange rate against the US dollar, US dollar as the base currency (such as the USDCAD USD/JPY, USD/CHF). The exception is United Kingdom (GBP) book, Australian dollar (AUD), New Zealand (NZD) and euro (EUR), contrast (for example where currency exchange rate against the dollar in the GBP/USD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, EUR/USD).

XXX the factors influencing NEILMAC88 and Becky. In this way, the money was positively correlated with NEILMAC88 Anita Mui.

Already on sale on the spot market to study three-year bilateral 2013:

EUR/USD: 24.1%
USD/JPY: 18.3%
GBP/USD (also called cable): 8.8%
And United States currency at 87% trading, followed by the Euro-yen (23%) And British pound (11.8%) (33.4%), (see figure). All individual parts the volume percentages must add up to 200%, because every transaction involves two currencies.

Since January 1999 the euro growth, $ creates money, how long the foreign exchange market is still in debate. Until recently, non-European currency ZZZ euro relates to two activities: EUR/USD trade and USDZZZ. Exception is the euro declined against the dollar, which means that trade in and several currencies in the interbank market in masonry.