You profit in the Forex market
Forex or foreign exchange market is one of the largest and most liquid financial market in the world and is larger than the volume in stock and bond markets around the world, which in fact usually more than 2 trillion euros a day.
Exchange received a large number of participants and the number of assets in this market in the field of financial importance. Since the deregulation soon 90 refers to the currency for investors, based on Intermonetario as an opportunity and protect themselves in international trade, exchange rate volatility of the Mall.
High market Forex investments better exploited, it is not necessary, that you might want for your investment, but the only investment with warranty (usually about 2.5%-10%) Choose the amount.
On the other hand, the movements of the fundamentals of Forex trading is the investment of money or sell currency pairs, or up, interesting data investments or resale at a higher price than at the end.
How to use the opportunity
Change, one of the main tasks include the world, read price charts and data operations, investment strategy can be carved, knowing what to do at any time, the amount of investment, you know how to enter and leave the market expected motion trends establish the accuracy.
Chart technical analysis is the science of reading, pictures and prices, the strength of the currency and who also won a battle.
In Forex, there are 3 types of graphics:
Number of candles or chandelier, displayed at a given time or something to open and close in a specific currency. On the other hand, this number does not show that open and close. It is often with a vertical bar graph view far earlier and I am, the price is the price minimum and maximum duration. Larger bars, swings high (fluctuations) clearly shows that the more unstable.
Line chart. Offers two types of coins and the other axis is, in some ways, the relationship between the price of a currency. Usually need to study history and trends over a period of time, as well as direct visualization of equal one currency against another.
Period of time. Hours or a day or two, but always with the maximum and minimum contribution, coins and currency information can adapt to this kind of diagram according to the situation of a given area, one minute. It is often used for a period of time, the price trend in a short period of time, the turning point in separating positive development is as much or more wide.
Search and graphs information about Forex trading, you need to be able to see the development of the known data in the Declaration of the graphics as accurately as possible.
All the cards, bearing in mind that the interests of all of us we have information we can get different variables.
So, for example, pointers are used to track and monitor market trends:
Trends or trend pointer. Are universal tilting during the fashion brand and trend at some point.
Pointer the strength or intensity of the pointer, the price of money and resistance is still a value exactly at the right time.
A pointer to market volatility or to show us to what extent one or more volatile notes are subject to fluctuations in currency values, high volatility.
Pointer to pointer cycles or cycles. These trends that indicate when the cycle changes, such as decreased or increased after several successive periods. We can achieve through this pointer to a stake or sell coins to determine.