Dollars up to 2 weeks for competitors

Dollars, up to 2 weeks for competitors

On Tuesday, as the US dollar short position against other major currencies gained more encouraging data optimistic economic conditions.

The EUR/USD fell from 0.42% to 1.1163, its lowest level since September 30.

The Institute of supply management manufacturing index rose Monday, said her last month to read that the strong dollar, 49.4 the previous month registered 51.5 points. Analysts predict that the reading was 50.3 points.

Optimism about the economy Friday after consumer confidence in the United States and encouraging data about these reports resulted in stems.

The Fed said future decisions that depend on data, market participants are looking to notes on the State of the labor market on Friday in the United States, waiting for the report from the non-agricultural version.

GBP/USD fell 0.69 percent to 1.2747, the lowest level in 31 years.

The research group Markit announced that construction of shopping, which Manager United Kingdom Index September reported 52.3 points to tackle its 49.2 in August. Fallen economists expectations for a reading of 49 points in September.

Book the plug appeared officially in the month of March, for the serious consequences if the process of the British Prime Minister, Theresa, the concern of the European Union strongly under pressure.

Senior advanced 0.70, 2 weeks USD/JPY % 102.34 and {{the level on the eve of 0.66% USD/CHF 0,9799.}}

The Australian dollar has lost; AUD/USD fell 0.13 percent to 0.7668, and NZD/USD levels to 0.08% at 0.7283.

This book, which chose that Australia keeps seat type in 1.5%, are interested in monetary policy in the first meeting with the new Governor Philip · Work, the head remains the same.
"The Council decided to keep its monetary policy stance unchanged will be at this meeting in line with economic growth and inflation over a period of time to achieve their objectives" and said the book of Bank of Australia in their advertising.

The Institute of statistics announced Tuesday also Australia, fall of 1.8% of work permits, this decrease in tensions of 7% is expected in August. Work permits for 12% in July this year, we'll provide the expectations of 11.3%.

However, the USD/CAD 1 rose 0.41% from marked, 3172, 9 30-level to the highest level.
Dollar after the currency and other major currencies 6, before a basket by 0.56% to96 20, the two biggest weeks of evolution.