The dollar rallied after mixed economic report of United States

Dollar Position against other major currencies Friday after a group of United States economic data drew mixed, investors for the presidential election in the United States next week of waiting were prudent for profit.

EUR/USD 1.1091 high 3.5 weeks announced on Thursday the level of 0.12% 1.1128.

U.S. Department of labor announced that the economies in the post 161 000 in April, but stressed that increased expectations of $175,000. However, the September number revised to 191,000 around 156,000 soared above were appreciated.

Unemployment rate in the United States fell from 5% to 4.9% in September, as expected.

Reports noted that in October, the average salary per hour in the United States surged Rose 0.3% to -0.4 points beyond expectations.

According to a separate report released Wednesday, the United States trade deficit fell in September to 36.440 .000 dollars. Analysts had expected a deficit in September to $37,800 .000.

However, investors are still careful, if the FBI announced Friday, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton · Check private Email from Clinton, combined with an email.

The uncertainty of the forecast news new high election day what might worry, elections, Clinton, 8 November, the Republican Party candidate Donald · Winning national victory.

GBP/USD, 0.14% for advanced 1.2476, almost one month, the day before at 1, recorded # 2496.

The support is book, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom decided Thursday that the Government is starting to leave the Kingdom is not the United Kingdom the right to ask for the Lisbon Treaty, the European Parliament's vote while processing the years 50.

USD/JPY, 0.17% of 103, 16, the lowest monthly level on Thursday at 102, 54 and USD/CHF fell 0.09% level said to 0.9730.

Australian and New Zealand dollar loss fell 0.13 and 0.35% 0.7306 NZD/USD level,% 0.7673 the AUD/USD.

Australia retail trade statistics Institute announced on Friday is 0.6%, an increase of 0.4 percent in September, more than expected.

Meanwhile, reached USD/CAD pair 0.37% amounted to 1.3446, since the high gear.

Canada statistics office announced after a decline of 10,000 jobs 67,200 emphasises this expectation in the previous month in October in Canada, an increase of 43 900 employees.

Anchoring Canada 7% last month as per drawing unemployment.

Trade deficit in Canada has dug in September for $4.08 billion in the previous month, despite expectations, the deficit with which CAD CAD 1.7 billion 1.99 billion from business pointed out.

Follow the evolution of the currency to a basket of currencies 6, another indication of major currencies rose 0.09 cent to 28 of 97 dollars, less than three weeks, on Thursday reported that 97.07 at minimum.