In the year 2016 of 20.6% to USD $16.17

In the year 2016 of 20.6% to USD $16.17

Return again in 2016 is the fact that, during this period, the rise of the dollar
20.6% to $16.17, much less than the rate of inflation
Return again in 2016 is the fact that, during this period, the rise of the dollar

20.6% to $16.17, far below the inflation rate, percentage, will end the year at 40% to Estimanprivados. This year is the smallest increase in 2013.

In the year 2016 of 20.6% to USD $16.17

In December last year the currency has advanced six cents, despite the fact that over the past three days going up 32 cents on why the official bank limits its suppliers on the market, the currency. On Friday, the monetary values of the low volume of 200.

Is year after year in wholesale trade, trade, the local currency and it was by a penny to $15.90 Dec, closed on 21.3%. Friday, from 5 cents.

It happened the day before, eliminates the need, the operation of currency exchange approved by the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the country of export control. So far, foreign trade, employers in the sector are required to solve the currency in the foreign exchange market in a period of 365 days later. But new regulations requiring, these exports. To see well, reduces the effect of this measure on the currency market Forex.

Operators noted that the number of participants in the development cooperation to reduce and the strength of the low participation rate proposed compromise took place a day before the trade and price instability, no curriculum movement sets the action to the last minute.

In addition, the 17.8% blue, 16.87 trillion years rose 53 cents this week showing survey results, that the media in the cave Microcentro. Gaps in 4.3% in December last year reached 6.2%.

In the future, the rose, where he in February and March ($ 16 925) at 26.1% to us $280 million, the market price at the end of January or ($16,25) 25.8% 25.4% ($ 16 555).

$670 million in its s $38,761 .000 .000 Central Bank reserves fell Friday, due to the interest of securities issued by foreign Governments to cancel the discount method and the corresponding amount in the amount of $469 million. In addition, Desembosaron us $537 million compensation in Beaune in the year 2022, 2025-2027 to benefit all Boner · Retention is Reingresar, because they belong to the Argentina Central Bank portfolios.

Therefore, reservations, while the year 2016, the Central Bank of Argentina mounted u $ s 13198 billion, mainly because of the loan money laundering and more income in the agricultural sector.

• The year in review

Volatile dollar 2016: start lifting from Mauricio · Famous in his administration of the Government, moments of camp, prices began with the exchange of the first day, you saved in step or incurred credit payment officers is finally on sale pressure. The Center was leaking and Donald Trump in the victory of the United States.

Stocks. Year of dollar $9.75 began the Government's foreign currency stocks, $13.51 and after two weeks before December 17-caused the currency appreciation.

This day first $14.50, putting the price observed on the screen at the time of $15 and over time to $14.10. Then the currency nearly 42% is increased to $13.95, without the participation of the Central Bank and little action. To close on the last day of currency in 13.41 dollars and starting salaries this year after ten cents per day up to 2015.

The role of the Central Bank. Occasionally use their managed float policy, Central Bank intervention in the market, especially in the first half of the futures market in 2016 $ a month before lockout runs heavy.

In February, although he kidnapped and tax refund, the settlements do not meet the needs of agriculture and environment, the RMB exchange rate hit first $15.

In April the Forex market trading again started at about $14.50, once again, in return, delay about this. That is, public bank has begun to absorb the costs of the currency because Central and then taken off the market.

But it wasn't until June and the goal, the changes of the Central Bank to intervene on the market and buy $126 million.

In December, $20 to keep and fierce exchanges with revenues, money laundering, when the United States $700 million. This is the first time in five months.

Recovered, investments ' Flagship '. In March of this year, the arms over $16, it was once again when saved Argentina offers a strong growth rate, in response to the Central Bank: 30.5% to 37%. It worked: the coin has locations of investor to up the ante in steps of Bissau early dollar "stars" of the rate of investment could be ventilated.

However, starting in April this year and $14.50 environment Monetary Authority to cut rates to support the dollar recovered. At the time, alternately lifting and losses.

This year, these letters are mid-level to fight inflation: in the period of October-in Bissau to hold 26.75%, the level remains attractive to investors. Accordingly, it truncates sweet conclusion change in December to 24.75% 35 days a year.

Back on the market. In April Argentina after the conflict with the vulture funds to international markets (US $16.5 billion to the Government s to 7.1%) behind and let the default values are pushed, the currency of $14.54 at the end of this month.

Goal 。 Objective adopted in June, when authorities implemented various strategies, now, nothing will change, for a hard currency flowing rapidly transformed space: up to $15.43 rose only 10 percent in all six wheels.

Donald Trump. Surprise the Republican United States WINS, the election results will sit soon primarily in emerging market currencies.

Dollar on a global scale and the impact of the currency in the years of Mexico, met in Bissau (devaluation by almost 10% in a few days) has been strengthened. For this purpose, the upward pressure on the local market will sooner or later.

In the local market to grow the money one day $15.80 increased. Break after trying to break it down to 50 per week and the respective basic interest rate of the Central Bank, $16, not only for the ceiling, but still unprecedented volume price: $16.28 mid December.

In this case, the Finance Minister and Alfonso · «"Colleagues from Pula, said:" we don't care "the rise of the dollar, he said, laughing," and respect "for weeks" on the back of ' money ', celebrity, "floating system of exchange rate up or down»

Money laundering activity. Sinceramiento Financial Exchange intensified in October and contributed to its worst drop in monthly record since May ( -0.8%), $15.40. exchange rates are also under pressure, but come the dollars of debt and finance.

Wash in November last year, the effect of Trump, there seems to be a great influence on the Forex market, but in December, the situation has changed: coins begin to suffer serious warning only official purchase banks and even almost five months after the Central Bank currency.

The turbulence of the last part of the month has been marked, local public banks to curb the increase in sales at a time when the rest of the market taken by the sheet allows the dollar near $16.