BANSEFI wants the best means of transport to promote the currency

BANSEFI wants the best means of transport to promote the currency

Strategy. Discover payment BANSEFI, to reach other parts of the country and for the people.

Saving state banks and financial services (BANSEFI) in 2017 and one of the most important goals will be here to promote Mexican communities in the United States, transfers to Mexico.

BANSEFI, Virgilio Taken Andelademadingneisi, General Manager noted that a Development Bank distributes about 22 billion of year in Bissau, remittances and speaking, increase the amount of money in recent months. "The situation is critical in promoting effective establishment of remittances in Mexico, the first family member in Mexico, investigated alternative mechanisms of natural resources in the European Union," he said.

After visiting the branch in the State of Morelos said: "2017 Bansefi Contemporary noted, but most of them is that at certain places in the four corners of the country, remittances from Mexican immigrants to their families."

In particular, the 4% of the GDP of the unit depends on remittances, represents the seventh recipient of remittances from Mexicans in the United States to their relatives in the territory, life.

Therefore, he added that "we have a duty, four corners, nine branch on what, and we are evaluating other options, so you can see more places and transfer in a timely manner to the people".

According to 2016 was $26,000, 970.28 million.

He attended the 2 day this month, visited the area of Tenextepango, Yautepec, observe the State of the industry, Cuernavaca and Cuautla, Morelos, which is "reasonable".