Gold rises nearly 25% first half of 2016

Gold rises nearly 25% first half of 2016

Gold closed on Thursday, almost unchanged, but in the first half, approximately 25%.

Makekani refers to the possibility that the Bank of England has lowered so investors assess the United Kingdom decided to leave interest rates in the European Union.

Why is temporarily Friday after a performance of up to 2 years after the merger, close every day about 1319 dollars per ounce of gold, almost at the same time.

Gold rises nearly 25% first half of 2016

Gold view technology

Walailiyabeidenarike, Cape FXstreet webinars, industry analyst said: "the risk of metal, however, given its positive tone on the graph paper, where the price is much higher than the average call just 20, followed positive, although it became the pointer that overbought readings of technology to solve."

"In the short term it means 4 hours chart shows the convergence of price, simple, down from 23.6% in recent rally 1320.50 is 20 and small cents USD dynamic in the North, above the 100 level contacts in turn an ounce but" indicator "and CSR 56 guaranteed about Friday, supported by additional revenue."

Level of support: 1310.40, 1303.65, 1294.25

Resistance levels: 1320.50 1342.60 1335.60.