Where to invest to overcome the effects of the Brexit

Where to invest to overcome the effects of the Brexit

Exit is inevitable. The efforts from the first moment, paralysed although the ability to reverse the estimate is not applicable in the United Kingdom and the European Union. So, we started a period of difficulty and complexity, you lose everything and in sterling in the United Kingdom, but also of the European Union and the euro. Actually, as mentioned by Diego · Gonzales, head of Bull4All EAFI between two settings, whenever possible, fast and slow investment, probably in the Middle, but nothing so hard down Friday and, to a lesser extent than last Monday.

We see a deterioration in developing books and the euro currency, as well as exposure in the company of the United Kingdom market. Bull4All protection against an unfavorable environment, no one can predict the time and number of choices.

Where to invest to overcome the effects of the Brexit

Currency, the value of the dollar as a refuge

If we talk about the effect of target and I think it's clearly a winner, it's a dollar. Book early to see a significant effect of the depreciation in the euro area. When European currencies suffered from the Greece crisis, uncertainty has been advised, that long, United Kingdom, may be the currency against the euro, my doubts in other countries because it is mainly the dollar.

It is therefore a good defensive strategy of the euro against the US dollar because investors have a good portfolio. He had a long of the dollar against the euro and now this to a more reasonable, where were the lowest in the European Union and the United Kingdom for divorce of hours in case of doubt, the single currency, which continued to protect our investment.

Also occurs in points. Currency of the United Kingdom has one big disadvantage. The media are real and in the long run it may be a good choice, but the basics, we wouldn't see the lowest.

If you are in British company invest-export-oriented

Double effect of devaluation and the economic impact of this decision on the United Kingdom's economy is much more interesting. Just one example, a pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, books, 40% of sales, in the United States and generally outside of England, after the depreciation to name a few, the devaluation of the pound could increase profits and sales were not the United Kingdom.

At the other end, particularly in the United Kingdom as operating banks, producers and other sales concerned mainly cyclical companies in the United Kingdom.

Bag, investing primarily in the United States

Only 3% of sales in the United Kingdom, in the United States for pointer most important actions. Despite the high ratings of the stock market of the United States from retirement, you would have a better relative performance. In other words, you could tell the Europeans purse together to see the falls in 10-15% or.

But we will continue to invest in the European market business of high dividends can. Europe, the exchange of which can, with a high dividend yield provides added protection against loss and discard the fix to profitability goal over 4% per year after dividends.