It increases the volatility of Mexico - January 28, 2017

It increases the volatility of Mexico - January 28, 2017

It increases the volatility of Mexico - January 28, 2017

Mexico trade relationship uncertainty falls in Bissau against the US dollar exchange rate and the Mexican stock exchange.

On Twitter, unexpectedly more local markets, money market instruments, due to increased demand and consider the position to reduce weight and the stock of Donald · Forms of Government to prevail.

Yesterday, the dollar on the foreign exchange market has a high volatility is adjusted for maximum value prices, 21.3622 and 20.8649, 21.2030 unit, the minimum value at the end of the last, according to data from Bloomberg.

Meanwhile, under the main pointer of the stock market of the stock exchange of Mexico of 1.38% Mexico 611.44 # 2 in us, the 47.000 dollars in affected areas of the world.

Gentlemen, an increased demand for safe assets reflect a decrease by 3 points and on the basis of the rate of the bonds between 7 m and second the Valmer. 10 most traded securities, explained at the level of 5% to 7.55% for more than three weeks to pay the lowest price.

Financial market volatility of Mexico began to push around 8:00 where Council President Nani, cancelling the visit next week, if you're not willing to pay for the trump card on the wall. Less than 3 hours later, we reported on Mexico, which has canceled the visit of the President. The two new provoked a reaction of financial assets.

Later, against the end of the market, the White House spokesman, Sean · Spicer, said they were border wall produces 20% after Mexico, the original rate provides for a payment plan. This statement is also the major currencies concerned.

In this regard, Gerardo COPCA, meta-analysis, which said the Manager, Donald Trump "adventure" measure and in line with his campaign promises also should recognize that they have a less extreme prejudice.

He added that, although many people with anger, said Trump, Mexico markets responded positively, suggesting that precios y Cotizaciones, index, 20 of January is · assume the Presidency of Donald Trump, won 25 Wednesday, January, 4.2%. However today to reverse the reconstruction of trade relations, Mexico to visit Trump canceled and regulate market uncertainty.

Gabriela Lielaxile, the Bank's Director of fundamental analysis, although the renegotiation of the North American free trade agreement could cause fluctuations, apart from the actual effects of uncertainty.

"It is possible, for Mexico's exports is not as high." "The political tension between the two countries expected however could lead to decline in Mexico (...) Foreign direct investment can be the Government is not ready, "Siller describe" in the United States since the North American free trade leads to indecision, expectations at home, as the exchange rate or the financial investment of the assets of the price index.

Although the research predicts that the economic weight and stable behavior of the package in the end, experts believe that in the short term probably will keep on volatility.

Volume name

Enrique Peña Nieto, the market is changing Mexico, Stock, stock market, stock, foreign exchange and financial markets take precedence over the Government.