Mexican peso is influenced by tweets by Donald Trump

Mexican peso is influenced by tweets by Donald Trump

Mexican peso is influenced by tweets by Donald Trump

Mexico Peso has record low Thursday, as President of the Conference, Donald Trump on Twitter broken negotiations with Mexico President Enrique Pena Nieto has threatened if the Mexico that isn't ready for the wall, the United States and Mexico, on the border between numbers.

Peña Nieto on Tuesday, the immigration provisions of the North American free trade agreement Treaty discuss meeting with Trump.

USD/JPY 0.58% advanced 21.19 some about 20.86 horizontally for at least three weeks.

"The United States have $60 trillion and the trade deficit of Mexico". Was the free trade agreement-American, lost a lot of unilateral contract jobs and businesses, "said Trump." _ modular

"If Mexico wants to pay the walls, we recommend that you cancel the next fight."

Trump Wednesday signed two regulations, right up to the border of Mexico and United States of America and others, published in the United States us condition after the construction of the wall of Tweets by border guards.

A few hours later, Peña Nieto said: "He sighs and rejected," trump Bill, as well as "the Mexico not wall."

He repeated what he has not promised any wall and Mexico securable, which will be transferred to persons in Mexico, in the United States.

Weight had dropped this year to a record low against the dollar, $2.5% less than the year 2017.